Mangroves fast facts: one of the world’s hardiest trees

WHAT ARE MANGROVES If you have ever been on holiday by the shore somewhere tropical, you have likely encountered mangroves, however were you aware they are in reality trees and therefore are essential for helping the environment and safeguarding the world’s coastlines? Mangroves are salt-tolerant trees (halophytes) and could be located in what is referred […]Read More

Renewable energy explained

If it comes to restoring degraded landscapes and consuming carbon, we are strong believers in the ability of planting trees. However, reforestation is one of many things we have to do in order to safeguard Earth. Another crucial thing will be to green up our electricity source so that we are not emitting as many […]Read More

Stressed-out? FOREST BATHING Might Help

Acknowledging the curative properties to be at character, they invited taxpayers to permeate their health by going to the various green spaces and publicly owned woods out there. Ever since that time, woods bathing has gotten very popular and popular — has been embraced by civilizations across the globe. It’s simple to accomplish: everything that […]Read More


How is it possible for us to simultaneously fight climate change and enhance food security? Can there be a means for all of us to safeguard wild life whilst creating tasks? Think about superior atmosphere and water quality? The clear answer: landscape recovery. Restoring degraded property by growing trees from woods and on farms not […]Read More

How Organic & Gamble are Terrible Desertification

When people in the united states and Europe think of trees, they frequently envision lush, wet woods high in tallgreen trees. So once they hear the international deforestation catastrophe, they instantly turn into amazing compromised areas such as the Amazon and also Indonesia’s tropical woods . Imagine if we told you there was just another […]Read More

7 Good Reasons WHY BAMBOO IS AN Remarkable PLANT

7 Reasons Why Why Bamboo is a Remarkable Plant Whenever you believe of reforestation, bamboo may possibly perhaps not be first thing comes to mind. And it’s really accurate, bamboo isn’ttechnically a shrub — but planting and nurturing it’s not as good to people and the setting. Really, whilst the fastest developing bud on Earth, […]Read More


We’re thrilled to talk about that certain Tree Planted has combined the initiation of the U.S. chapter of 1-T. Org, also vowed to grow 50 million trees at the USA on the next ten decades. 1 T. It supplies a platform for governments, organizations, civic society, non profits, and ecopreneurs to plant and connect inch […]Read More